Tournament Info

Bank of Maldives National Tennis Championships

Download a copy of the rules and other information for this tournament please click the link below

Tournament Booklet

Browse a copy of the tournament booklet click here



As part of the celebrations of the 50th Anniversary of hosting the National Tennis Championships in the Maldives, the Tennis Association of Maldives is pleased to invite international players to the BML Maldives National Tennis Championships 2019.




The Championships will be held in Male’, Maldives, from 15th to 23rd November 2019.




Tennis Association of Maldives (TAM)


Invited Nations


Sri Lanka, India, Cambodia, and Nepal


Tournament Venue


The BML Maldives National Tennis Championships 2019 will be held at:



Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Maafannu, Male’, Maldives Tel: +960 331 7018

Fax: +960 331 0325


Tournament Courts


4 Hard Courts with lights


Ball Type


Wilson US Open Balls


Tournament Total Prize Money


A TOTAL of USD 25,000. (United States Dollars Twenty Five Thousand)


CategoryChampion Prize Money (USD)Runner Up Prize Money (USD)Total Prize Money (Men's & Women's)
7 & Under (Singles Boys )250100350
7 & Under (Singles Girls )250100350
8 & Under (Singles Boys )250100350
8 & Under (Singles girls )250100350
8 & Under (Doubles girls )250100350
10 & Under (Singles boys )250100350
10 & Under (Singles girls )250100350
10 & Under (Doubles girls )250100350
12 & Under (Singles boys )250100350
12 & Under (Singles girls )250100350
12 & Under (Doubles boys )250100350
12 & Under (Doubles girls )250100350
14 & Under (Singles boys )250100350
14 & Under (Singles girls )250100350
14 & Under (Doubles girls )250100350
Junior Open (Singles boys )1,0005001,500
Junior Open (Singles girls )1,0005001,500
Junior Open (Doubles boys )1,0005001,500
Open's (Singles mens )2,0001,0003,000
Open's (Singles women )2,0001,0003,000
Open's (Doubles mens )1,2006001,800
Open's (Doubles women )1,2006001,800
Over 45 (Doubles men )300200500
Over 55 (Doubles men )300200500
Mixed Doubles550250800

Additional Notes:
The Champion(s) will receive a trophy and a certificate in addition to the prize money stated above
The Runner Up(s) will receive a medal and a certificate in addition to the prize money stated above

Tournament Director


Mr.Adhikari Kumar





Ms. Aishath Ali

Tel:          +960 7430044



Mr. Ahmed Ifshad

Tel:          +960 793 7018




General Rules


The general rules pertaining to the Championships, including the type  of  balls,  court  size,  match length, age eligibility cut off dates, and etc. which is applicable to the various age  categories in the Championships are attached.



Visa Requirements


If you require an invitation to obtain a visa, please contact Aishath Ali (email:, Tel: +960  743 0044)  or Ahmed  Ifshad (email: Tel: +960 793 7018, Fax: +960 331 0325).


Tournament Draw


The tournament draw will be conducted by the Tournament Organizing Committee on 31st of October 2019 7pm @ STELCO Conference Room, based on the below format of play


Age Category Format of Draw
7 & Under

□        If there are less than 8 entrants; then the format will be round robin amongst all participating players.

□        The two players with the highest points will be advancing to the final of the age category.

□        If there are more than 8 entrants but less than 16, players will be divided into 2 groups (A and B) and round robin matches will be played in each group. The top two players in each group (A and B) will advance to into the semi-finals. The player with the highest points in Group A will compete with the player with the second highest points in Group B in the first semi-final match. The player with the highest points in Group B will compete with the player with the second highest points in Group A in the second semi-final match.

□        If there are 17 or more entries, players will be divided into 4 groups (A, B, C and D). Round robin matches will be played within each group. The player with the highest points in in each group will advance to semi- finals. The player with the highest points in Group A will compete with the player with the highest points in Group D in the first semi-final match. The Player with the highest points in Group B will compete with the player with the highest points in Group C in the second semi-final


8 & Under Same as above
10 & under Same as above
12 & under Knock-out draw
14 & under Knock-out draw
Junior Open Knock-out draw
Mens Open Knock-out draw
Womens Open Knock-out draw
Mixed Doubles Knock-out draw
Men’s Over 45 Knock-out draw
Men’s Over 55 Knock-out draw


As this is not a team event, coaching of any form is not permitted during matches.


Waiver of Claims

All players entering the BML Maldives National Tennis Championships 2019, as a condition of their entry, must sign a waiver of claims. Thereby agreeing that no  claims  can  be  brought against the tournament organiser (Tennis Association of Maldives), with respect to any injuries (however caused), or any losses incurred, while travelling to and from, or participating in the championships. It is therefore recommended that all players have adequate medical insurance cover, which cannot be provided by TAM.



Entry Submission and Deadline

Please send all entries by email to:


Ahmed Ifshad:    


The email must be copied to:


Aishath Ali:         

Yusuf Riza:         


Entries will only be accepted on the official Entry Form


The deadline for entries is Thursday, 24th October 2019; 1800 hours Maldives time, after which, no entries will be accepted.


Dates, Venue and Times

  • The Championships will be held from 15th to 23rd November
  • The Championships will be held at the National Tennis
  • The matches of the Championships will be played on the following hours:
Official Time of Matches (i) Weekdays: 7.00am – 10.00am & 3.00pm – 10.30pm
(ii) Friday: 7.00am – 11.00pm
(iii) Saturday: 9.00am onwards
  • A scheduled match, under the categories 10 and under, will not commence, after, 22:00hrs on any given
  • Matches of players going to school in the morning hours will be scheduled for the afternoon hours (during weekdays).
  • Matches of players going to school in the afternoon will be scheduled for the morning hours or during the afternoon, after school hours (during weekdays).


Age CategoryEligibilitySinglesDoubles
Red Ball
(7 and under)
Players eligible and choosing to play in this category can play both singles and doubles in this group but are not allowed to enter for any other age categoryRound RobinKnock Out
Orange Ball (8 and under)Players eligible and choosing to play in this category can play both singles and doubles in this group but are not allowed to enter for any other age categoryRound RobinKnock Out
Green Ball (10 and under)Players eligible and choosing to play in this category can play both singles and doubles in this group but are not allowed to enter for any other age categoryRound RobinKnock Out
12 and underPlayers eligible to play in this group can choose to enter 2 singles and 1 doubles in either 12 and Under, 14 and Under or Junior OpenKnock OutKnock Out
14 and underPlayers eligible to play in this group can choose to enter 2 singles and 1 doubles in either 14 and under, Junior Open or Mens OpenKnock OutKnock Out
Junior OpenPlayers eligible to play in this group can choose to enter 2 singles and 1 doubles in either Junior Open or Mens/Womens OpenKnock OutKnock Out
Mens and Womens OpenPlayers eligible to play in this group can play singles and doubles in this categoryKnock OutKnock Out
Over 45 SinglesPlayers eligible and choosing to play in this category can play both singles and doubles in this group and are not allowed to enter for any other age categoryKnock OutKnock Out
Over 55 SinglesPlayers eligible and choosing to play in this category can play both singles and doubles in this group and are not allowed to enter for any other age categoryKnock OutKnock Out
  1. For players who are eligible to compete in Category 7 and under, 8 and under and 10 and under are eligible to compete in their respective category (i.e. a player choosing to compete in 8 and under can only compete in Category 8 and under singles and )
  2. For players who are eligible to compete in the age category 12 and under, are eligible enter a maximum of three (3) categories, which must include 2 singles. Players eligible to play in this


group can choose to enter 2 singles and 1 doubles in either 12 and under, 14 and under and

Junior Open

  1. For example, a player eligible to enter the 12 and under boys’ category may choose to enter the 12 and under boys’ singles, the Junior Open singles and 12 and under boys’ doubles.
  2. For example, a player eligible to enter the 12 and under girls’ category may choose to enter the 14 and under girls’ singles, the Junior Open singles and 12 and under girls’ doubles
  1. For players who are eligible to compete in the 14 and under and Junior Open categories are eligible to enter a maximum of three (3) categories, which must include 2 singles. Players eligible to play in this group can choose to enter 2 singles and 1 doubles in either 14 and under, Junior Open and Men’s Open/ Women’s
    1. For example, a player eligible to enter the 14 and under girls’ category may choose to enter the 14 and under girls’ singles, the Junior Open singles and Junior Open girls’ doubles.
    2. For example, a player eligible to compete in the 14 and under boys’ category may choose to enter the Junior Open boys’ singles, Junior Open boys’ doubles and Men’s Open
  2. For players who are eligible to compete in the over 45 categories are eligible to enter a maximum of two (2) categories, which must include 1 singles and 1 doubles. Players eligible to play in this group can choose to enter 1 singles and 1 doubles in either Over 45 and Men’s Open/ Women’s
    1. For example, a player eligible to enter the over 45 Men’s category may choose to enter the over 45 Men’s singles, and Men’s Open
    2. For example, a player eligible to enter the over 45 Men’s category may choose to enter the over Men’s Open singles, and Men’s Open
  3. Players from all nationality are allowed to play in this tournament, except for foreign coaches employed on a full-time basis with work visas by TAM, ATA, and TAM, ATA, and MTA foreign coaches with work visas on a full-time basis are not allowed to take part in the tournament.



Scheduling of Matches

  1. The organizing committee reserves all rights to schedule the matches of the
  2. The match schedule for the following day of play will be posted on the Tournament notice board at the National Tennis Centre, latest, by 21:00hrs of the previous
  3. All players are expected to check their match time and report to their match on
  4. If a player/pair fails to report to their match on the scheduled time, the organizing committee has the right to award the match to the player/pair who reported on time, after giving a 15- minute


  1. If both players/pairs fail to report to a match on time, then both players/pairs will forfeit the match.



Re-scheduling matches

Due to the short duration of the Tournament, we will not entertain any requests to reschedule a match. When scheduling, the only factor that officials will consider is the regular school time of the respective player(s).



Recovery time in between matches

If a player has to play two or more scheduled matches a day, the Tournament Director, shall provide recovery times in between matches, according to the following schedule:


Duration of Previous Scheduled Match Eligible Break Time
More than 3 hours 2nd match will be re-scheduled to another day
Between 2- 3 hours 2.5 hours
Between 1- 2 hours 1.5 hours
Less than 1 hours 1.0 hours


Umpiring and Disciplinary Action

  1. The Tournament Organizing Committee will arrange umpires for the matches as per published Schedule
  2. All players are expected to respect the umpire assigned for the match by the Tournament Organizing Committee and the decision of the umpire is
  3. The ITF point penalty will be applied during the match to player’s showing dis-respect to the umpire and lines persons. Depending on the nature of offence, the Tournament Disciplinary Committee may choose to take additional disciplinary



Tournament Director

Mr.Adhikari Kumar


Tournament Organizing Committee & Officials

  1. Mohamed Ameen, Vice President, TAM
  2. Yusuf Riza, General Secretary, TAM
  3. Hassan Shaam, Executive Committee Member
  4. Ahmed Ifshad, Administrator, TAM
  5. Aishath Ali, General Manager, MTA
  6. Kumar Adhekari, Coach, TAM



Tournament Disciplinary Committee

  1. Chief Umpire (TBC)
  2. Mohamed Ameen, Vice President, TAM
  3. Yusuf Riza, General Secretary, TAM
  4. Hassan Shaam, Executive Committee Member, TAM
  5. Ali Faris Mohamed, MTA



Seeding Rules

Singles Draw

Players from Maldives entering the singles categories will be seeded based on the official rankings computed on the results of the last three Championships in Maldives.

  1. In each singles category, the following criteria will be used:
  2. Player with the highest Maldives ranking points will be given the first seed and be placed on the top of the
  3. Player with the second highest Maldives ranking points will be given the second seed and placed at the bottom of the
  4. Player with the third highest Maldives ranking points will be given the third seed and placed at top, of the bottom half of the
  5. Player with the fourth highest Maldives ranking points will be given the fourth seed and will be placed at the bottom of the top half of the
  6. Players from other countries will be seeded based on their relative rankings in their age categories in their respective countries. The decision on the seeding’s for players from other countries will be made by the Organizing


Doubles Draw

Seeding in all double’s categories will be based on the following criteria:

  1. If the Champion pair of the last TAM Championships, has entered a doubles category, they will be given the first seed and will be placed on the top of the draw. If the Champion pair of the last TAM Championships has not entered a doubles category, the pair with the highest combined singles ranking points in that category, will be given the first seed and placed at the top of the
  2. If there is a pair from any other country in the doubles category, the pair will be given the 2ndseed and will be placed at the bottom of the draw. If there are more the 1 pair from another country in any doubles draw, the seeding for the pair will be decided by the tournament organizing Committee, based on the relative rankings of the pairs, in their respective countries.
  3. If the runner- up pair of the last TAM Championships held has entered a doubles category, the pair will be given the 3rd seed and will be placed at the top of the bottom half of the draw. If the runner-up pair of the last TAM Championships has not entered a doubles category, the pair with the second highest combined singles ranking points in the category, will be given the third seed and placed at the top of the second half of the
  4. The fourth seed will be given to the pair with the third highest combined singles ranking points in the category. The fourth ranked pair will be assigned to the bottom of the top half of the




  1. No players/ parents/ coaches and spectators are allowed to stay on the playing area once the match is
  2. Access to the playing area is only allowed for the officials of the tournament organizing committee, players with scheduled matches for the day and the umpires assigned by the Tournament Director for the
  3. In the event of a medical break taken by a player, a maximum of 2 Assistants may provide the necessary support to the player in need and no additional Assistant must be allowed on the playing
  4. No players/ parents/ coaches and spectators are allowed to communicate with the player(s), once the match is commenced. These include giving any instructions to players during the course of the match or applaud while a point is being
  5. Coaches and parents failing to honor this rule may be advised by the Umpire or Tournament Director. Umpires and the Tournament Director have the right to instruct parents and coaches to leave the tournament venue for the match in the event of repeated non- compliance to this
  6. Any complaints against any tournament officials or umpires may be brought to the attention of the organizing committee, through the Tournament


  1. The general rules, pertaining to the type of balls, court size, match length, age eligibility cut off dates etc. to be applied for the various categories of play in the tournament draw are included in Schedule



Extraordinary Circumstances

Notwithstanding any clause in this Rules Book, Tournament Director in consultation with the Tournament Organizing Committee, reserve the right to amend the rules, where an unforeseen situation/circumstance not covered in the Rules arise.

Schedule 1


Age GroupAge EligibilityBallsCourt
Serve OptionsMatch LengthDrawUmpires
7 and under Boys SinglesBorn after 1st January 2012Red BallsMini courtUnder arm serve allowedFirst to win 11 pointsRound RobinAll matches
7 and under Girls singlesBorn after 1st January 2012Red BallsMini courtUnder arm serve allowedFirst to win 11 pointsRound RobinAll matches
8 and under Boys SinglesBorn after 1st January 2011Orange BallsTwo- Third courtUnder arm serve allowed-Short set of 4 games
-if 3-3, first to win 5 games
-if 4-4, standard tie-break
-No advantage
Round RobinAll matches
8 and under Boys DoublesBorn after 1st January 2011Orange BallsTwo- Third courtUnder arm serve allowed-Short set of 4 games
-if 3-3, first to win 5 games
-if 4-4, standard tie-break
-No advantage
Knock OutAll matches
8 and under Girls SinglesBorn after 1st January 2011Orange BallsTwo- Third courtUnder arm serve allowed-Short set of 4 games
-if 3-3, first to win 5 games
-if 4-4, standard tie-break
-No advantage
Round RobinAll matches
8 and under Girls DoublesBorn after 1st January 2011Orange BallsTwo- Third courtUnder arm serve allowed-Short set of 4 games
-if 3-3, first to win 5 games
-if 4-4, standard tie-break
-No advantage
Knock OutAll matches
10 and under Boys SinglesBorn after 1st January 2009Green Dot BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed-Full set,
- if 5-5, first to win 7 games
- if 6-6, standard tie-break
-No advantage
Round RobinAll matches
10 and under Boys DoublesBorn after 1st January 2009Green Dot BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed-Full set,
- if 5-5, first to win 7 games
- if 6-6, standard tie-break
-No advantage
Knock OutAll matches
10 and under Girls SinglesBorn after 1st January 2009Green Dot BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed-Full set,
- if 5-5, first to win 7 games
- if 6-6, standard tie-break
-No advantage
Round RobinAll matches
10 and under Girls DoublesBorn after 1st January 2009Green Dot BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed-Full set,
- if 5-5, first to win 7 games
- if 6-6, standard tie-break
-No advantage
Knock OutAll matches
12 and Under Boys SinglesBorn after 1st January 2007Normal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)-Standard set
- No advantage rule.
- best of three sets, if 1 set all,
super tie-break
Knock OutAll matches
12 and Under Boys DoublesBorn after 1st January 2007Normal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)-Standard set
- No advantage rule
- best of three sets, if 1 set all, super tie-break
Knock OutAll matches
12 and Under Girls SinglesBorn after 1st January 2007Normal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)-Standard set
- No advantage rule
- best of three sets, if 1 set all, super tie-break
Knock OutAll matches
12 and Under Girls DoublesBorn after 1st January 2007Normal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)-Standard set
- No advantage rule
- best of three sets, if 1 set all, super tie-break
Knock OutAll matches
14 and Under Boys SinglesBorn after 1st January 2005Normal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)-Standard set
- No advantage rule
- best of three sets, if 1 set all, super tie-break
Knock OutAll matches
14 and Under Boys DoublesBorn after 1st January 2005Normal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)-Standard set
- No advantage rule
- best of three sets, if 1 set all, super tie-break
Knock OutAll matches
14 and Under Girls SinglesBorn after 1st January 2005Normal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)-Standard set
- No advantage rule
- best of three sets, if 1 set all, super tie-break
Knock OutAll matches
14 and Under Girls DoublesBorn after 1st January 2005Normal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)-Standard set
- No advantage rule
- best of three sets, if 1 set all, super tie-break
Knock OutAll matches
Junior Open Boys SinglesBorn between 1st January 2001 & 31st Decem- ber 2008Normal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)-Standard set
- Advantage rule
- best of three sets
- if 1 set all and if final set 6-6, standard tie-break
Knock OutAll matches
Junior Open Boys DoublesBorn between 1st January 2001 & 31st Decem- ber 2008Normal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)-Standard set
- Advantage rule
- best of three sets
- if 1 set all and if final set 6-6, standard tie-break
Knock OutAll matches
Junior Open Girls SinglesBorn between 1st January 2001 & 31st Decem- ber 2008Normal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)-Best of 3 sets
-Normal game scoring
- If 6-6, tiebreak
Knock OutAll matches
Junior Open Girls DoublesBorn between 1st January 2001 & 31st Decem- ber 2008Normal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)-Best of 3 sets
-Normal game scoring
- If 6-6, tiebreak
- 3rd set Super tiebreak
Knock OutAll matches
Mens open SinglesAll agesNormal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)-Best of 3 sets
-Normal game scoring
- If 6-6, tiebreak
Knock OutAll matches
Mens open DoublesAll agesNormal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)-Best of 3 sets
-Normal game scoring
- If 6-6, tiebreak
- 3rd set Super tiebreak
Knock OutAll matches
Womens Open SinglesAll agesNormal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)-Best of 3 sets
-Normal game scoring
- If 6-6, tiebreak
Knock OutAll matches
Womens Open DoublesAll agesNormal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)-Best of 3 sets
-Normal game scoring
- If 6-6, tiebreak
- 3rd set Super tiebreak
Knock OutAll matches
Mixed DoublesAge 14 & aboveNormal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)Best of 3 sets
-Normal game scoring
- If 6-6, tiebreak
- 3rd set Super tiebreak
Knock OutAll matches
Over 45 SinglesBorn before 31st December 1973Normal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)-Best of 3 sets
-Normal game scoring
- If 6-6, tiebreak
- 3rd set Super tiebreak
Knock OutAll matches
Over 45 DoublesBorn before 31st December 1973Normal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)-Best of 3 sets
-Normal game scoring
- If 6-6, tiebreak
- 3rd set Super tiebreak
Knock OutAll matches
Over 55 SinglesBorn before 31st December 1963Normal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)-Best of 3 sets
-Normal game scoring
- If 6-6, tiebreak
- 3rd set Super tiebreak
Knock OutAll matches
Over 55 DoublesBorn before 31st December 1963Normal Tennis BallsFull courtUnder arm serve allowed (no bounce)-Best of 3 sets
-Normal game scoring
- If 6-6, tiebreak
- 3rd set Super tiebreak
Knock OutAll matches





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As any match can be moved to any court, a player not on site for the scheduled time of a match, a walkover will be awarded after 15 minutes of the calling of the match. Thus, players please be at the alloted tennis court at least by 10 minutes before the match time.

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Importance Notices

Please click the following link to get all information about matches status due to circumstances such as Rain

Tournament Software Portal – Tennis Association of Maldives

Please Contact Tournament  Director Kumar Coach for updates regarding these matches if there is further inquiries after checking the above link – 7473316

Check out the latest Match Results

Download a copy of the rules and other information for this tournament please click the link below

Tournament Booklet

Browse a copy of the tournament booklet click here